2021: BraveMaker’s 12 gifts recomended by Krystina Jackson and Tony Gapastione
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Krystina and Tony give a TOP 12 list of CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEAS for filmmakers, actors and other Hollywood hopefuls.
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Here’s our top 12:
Note cards, sharpies, white board $40 (create a gift basket/bag) Brainstorm supplies!
Writerduet.com Screenwriter Plans from $13.99 monthly ($168 annually)
Books: Austin Kleon : Steal Like an Artist $10 each ($30 total)
Subscription to Hollywood Reporter/Variety $199 per year
Big Vu app. 6 months $99
Canva.com $12.99 monthly for pro
Camera Lens mug $22
Nice Mic. Yeti, Shure $200
Give Funding (Venmo, CashAPP people)